欢迎参加2025环球飞行!飞行可从任意途径航点开始哦~ 每一航段将会有20%奖励积分,完成一定数量的航段也会有额外奖励哦~
活动时间:2025.1.1 0000z- 3.21 0000z
活动奖励:每一航段20%bonus point,完成指定数量航段有额外奖励(参照推文底部奖励细则)
Welcome to World Flight 2025! Tour can be started at any airport that included in legs~ Every leg will be awarded 20% bonus point, and additianal awards will also be given if you finish specific number of legs~
Event time:2025.1.1 0000z- 3.21 0000z
Event Route:please refer to Event page in VAMSYS
Event Reward:20% bonus point per leg, and addition reward when finish specific number of legs (refer to Reward Details below)